Saturday, April 5, 2008

Trust America's Top Job-Opening Research Institution with Your Job Search

What We Do

There are over 50,000 career webpages of employers in the United States and tens of thousands of job boards and newspapers that publish job openings. Our mission is to put all of the quality job openings from every source on EmploymentCrossing. Our members find more job openings on our site than anywhere else and go to work more quickly in new jobs that (1) match their interests, (2) pay very well for their industries and markets, and (3) are geographically where they want to be. No other source in the world contains more job openings than EmploymentCrossing—we change the careers and lives of our members each day, and we can help you too. Job-opening research has power, and it can empower you. We are the only member-supported job-opening research institution in the world. Every other job-opening site we are aware of is supported by advertisers who pay to post jobs on the site. We have never charged an employer to post a job opening on our site.

Who Is the Typical EmploymentCrossing Member?

EmploymentCrossing is not for everyone—we are exclusive and private, and only members have access to our job-opening research. While we research job openings in each industry, we have found that the majority of our members are among the most educated members of society with the highest-paying jobs. We expect this is because educated people know the incredible value of research and their education has taught them that paying less than a dollar a day to access jobs from tens of thousands of other job sites is an incredible value that exponentially increases their job prospects unlike anything else. A great number of recruiting firms throughout the world also use EmploymentCrossing to research jobs and rely upon the site exclusively.

What Are the Other Advantages of Being an EmploymentCrossing Member?

By requiring membership to review our job-opening research, we increase our members' chances of getting each job they apply for. Many of our job openings are from small regional publications or employer websites, and very few people know about them. The employers who have posted these job openings may receive an application only once every several months—our members want to keep it that way. The main difference is that EmploymentCrossing works for you and not advertisers. Every other job board we are aware of is supported in whole or substantially by advertisers, and its loyalty is to them. EmploymentCrossing works for you-not employers.

EmploymentCrossing is the only job-opening research institution in the world whose stated mission is to track down every job—in every field—and provide the public access to its job-opening research. Our blend of more than 500 highly trained job-opening research analysts and state-of-the-art job-opening artificial intelligence cluster technology captures, categorizes, ranks, and displays the highest-quality job openings from hundreds of job sites, companies, and organizations, providing job seekers with a comprehensive job-opening research library where they can review every quality job opening from tens of thousands of sources at one time. EmploymentCrossing empowers you to find a new job more efficiently by providing thoroughly researched job openings in one place.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Importance of learning new stuff

My previous post talked about how to earn easy extra income using the IFW (Incentivized Freebie Websites). I think this method can work for anyone and my mean ANYONE!! You do not need any expertise or special skills to be successful except a little bit of about how the system works. That too is easily attained as there are loads of people out there to help you with that.

If you think all of this sounds like a SCAM or a fraud, please quit reading as this is not meant for you. For all others please visit Project PayDay

One of the most fundamental things to succeed in any field is consistently learning new things and keeping up to date. You may have learned some things about how to earn a few extra bucks online but should you stop there? No! Whatever you earn should invested in your next business endeavor. What can you do to expand? What are your limits? How far you can go with your current skills? These are some of the questions to ask.

Because of the fast changing trends you have to look ahead and think about new openings. They may not be as big as most of you might think. For example, once you get going with earning money from the IFWs (Incentivized Freebie Websites), by signing up offers for other people and getting paid by them, you should at some point move to "the next level". That is, you should start paying people money to sign up offers for you or in other words "go green" for you. This would definitely increase your profit margin. This is also helpful as anyways if you just stick to going green for others you would eventually run out of offers.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Project PayDay: A Great Way to Earn REAL Money on the Internet

Until January 8, 2008, I had always been skeptical about earning money on the Internet. I had read about online advertisements, affiliate networks, pay per click programs as very effective if you have a website with a lot of traffic. On the other hand, I had always been told about pyramid schemes and other online money making scams which made me doubt things more.

Recently, however, I stumbled across Project PayDay and I decided to research it before believing anything. So as usual, I did a google search "Project PayDay Scam" and browsed the results. I found out that while there were people who said that it is a scam, most of the people recommended the website as a very good source of earning "additional" income so as to make life a little bit easier.

So I decided to check it out and went to the website. I read through the main page and then got the membership by signing up for an offer. I wanted to check this website out badly, because I had to feed my curiosity. As I told you, I did not just go into it blindly, but did enough research to "know" that it was not a scam but instead a valid way for earning money on the Internet without having any sort of expertise in a specific field.

After I had joined Project PayDay (which you can do as well here), I was literally shocked to know that one can easily earn money on the Internet without doing a lot of effort. Let me be clear here, this is not a "get rich quick" technique but it definitely is something which can earn you $500-$3000 a month depending upon how much time you spend to learn the technique and understand the workings which really does not take more time because of lots of mentors and other people available to help.

People help you because they essentially help themselves by doing so. This will become clear to you once you read more about IFWs( Incentivized Freebie Websites). A lot of us just think that these are scams and close such websites as soon as we encounter them.

I would definitely recommend anyone looking for "work at home" or "making money online" to check out Project PayDay. You can use the links above or just click here.

Feel free to contact me if you need further details. I would be glad to help!
